자주 쓰는 특수문자 아스키코드

mkh23911 2014. 11. 25. 11:42

00 00 NUL (null)

08 08 BS (backspace) - Moves the cursor (or print head) move backwards (left)
one space.
09 09 TAB (horizontal tab) - Moves the cursor (or print head) right to the next
tab stop. The spacing of tab stops is dependent
on the output device, but is often either 8 or 10.
10 0A LF (NL line feed, new line) - Moves the cursor (or print head) to a new
line. On Unix systems, moves to a new line
AND all the way to the left.

13 0D CR (carriage return) - Moves the cursor all the way to the left, but does

not advance to the next line.

32 20 SP (space)

33 21 !
34 22 " (큰 따옴표)
35 23 #
36 24 $
37 25 %
38 26 &
39 27 ' (작은 따옴표:세미콜론 옆에 있는 것)
40 28 (
41 29 )
42 2A * (별표)
43 2B + (더하기)
44 2C , (쉼표:콤마)
45 2D - (빼기)
46 2E . (마침표)
47 2F /

58 3A :
59 3B ;
60 3C <
61 3D =
62 3E >
63 3F ?
64 40 @